We cannot eradicate loneliness, but each of us can mean something to others in our own surroundings.
The project Speaking Stones offers stories to the city of Leeuwarden. The project tries to break the taboo on loneliness by making people aware of that theme and by breaking barriers around discussing loneliness.
Would you like more information about loneliness or do you yourself want to do something about it? Below, you can find a number of social initiatives that could possibly use your help. These organizations have also been involved in the development of this project.
Humanitas Leeuwarden – Humaatjes project
Humaatjes receives requests for a buddy and then matches the applicant with a buddy. These requests can come from the persons themselves, from a person involved, or through institutions like Noorderbreedte, Wijkteams, and Amaryllis. Humaatjes is developing new ways of bringing people in contact with each other around the central theme of ‘connection’. Volunteers are welcome!
Amaryllis jongerenwerk Jimmy’s (youth work)
Jimmy’s is a talent-incubator and, if needed, an easy stop for help. Thanks to Jimmy’s, young people receive a better network, more self-confidence, greater independence, and a better chance for work. Jimmy’s is open to all young people between 12 and 27 years old.
Smoel Kunstwerkplaats (art studio)
Smoel is an art studio and a workplace for people with disabilities. Smoel is a creative, educational, and trusted workspace for gaining a ton of experience. They regularly organize creative activities and participate in art exhibitions and art-routes.
NHLStenden – lectoraat Sociale Kwaliteit (lecorate of Social Quality)
The Lectorate of Social Quality teaches, researches, and works to improve the Social Quality of individuals, groups, districts, neighborhoods, and cities – always with the concerned parties and together with students, (mental) healthcare professionals, volunteers, and policy officers.