On Thursday 17 June the double CD Wurden by composer/singer Hiske Oosterwijk was presented in the Broerekerk in Bolsward. Tickets for her theatre concerts Tiidgenoaten are available now!

The TV-registration of Omrop Fryslân can be found at the bottom of this page.

About Hiske

Hiske Oosterwijk (Leeuwarden, 1989) converted the work of the 17th-century poet Gysbert Japicx into new music for Wurden. In 2020, partly thanks to a contribution from the Fonds Podiumkunsten, the Gysbert Japicx Holckema Stichting commissioned Oosterwijk to make new music to the work of Gysbert Japicx (1603 -1666). Oosterwijk previously made work inspired by Gysbert for her graduation assignment at the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen.

Theater concert Tiidgenoaten

From 14 to 24 October, the songs from the CD can be heard in the Tiidgenoaten theater concert in the Broerekerk in Bolsward. A theatrical concert in which the apparently insurmountable difference between Gysbert and Hiske in time, culture and gender is nevertheless bridged. It is about the exceptional ability of people to connect with each other across borders, prejudices and differences.

Order tickets for the theater concert on the website of the gysbert japicx holkemastichting