The Catalan poet Guim Valls from Barcelona will be staying in Leeuwarden for a month and will be working with the Frisian writer Anne-Goaitske Breteler on new work, which they will present during Explore the North.
They are two completely different writers: Guim is a poet whose keywords are urban, hip-hop and direct language. Anne-Goaitske makes prose and immerses herself in local history and sociology. Yet they also share a lot, such as their interest in mythology and legends and the fascination for their (minority) language – Catalan and Frisian.
In May 2022, Anne-Goaitske was a guest in Barcelona at the international Poesia Festival. This exchange project is a collaboration between Explore the North, Barcelona City of Literature and Leeuwarden City of Literature.
The results of the collaboration can be seen on Sunday 16 October from 17:00 to 17:45 in Catalunya X Fryslân – Guim Valls and Anne-Goaitske Breteler in De Kapel of Dbieb, during the Explore the North festival. Admission with your festival wristband.
Leeuwarden City of Literature is partner in five productions at festival Explore the North:
Pidgin X
Eenzamens/Iensuminske (Sprekende stenen)
Acht korte composities over het leven van Oekraïners voor een westers publiek
Uitgesteld geluk
Catalunya X Fryslân – Guim Valls en Anne-Goaitske Breteler