During the one hundred days from 17 May to 24 August 2025 Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature will surprise you for 100 days with literary highlights that pop up all over Fryslân. From short texts in the wild to the appearance of complete stories. For this, we asked 100 writers and poets from Fryslân, the Netherlands and UNESCO Cities of Literature all over the world to put on paper what moves them, in the form that suits them.
If you follow us, you will discover every day for 100 days where a text can be seen or obtained. Of course, you can find the growing collection of texts online, just like with our previous story project Happiness delayed in 2022.
In these times of great suffering in the world, we like to explore the pleasures that color our day with small delights.
Small Delights is a project of Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature. Small Delights is part of Arcadia, with support of Nederlands Letterenfonds, provincie Fryslân and gemeente Leeuwarden.
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