Make the unimaginable imaginable: that is the challenge that three Flemish-Frisian maker duos faced in the “De Verwonderkamer” (the wonder room) project. The makers will be in a (home) residence from 16 to 20 November, in which they work together intensively under the guidance of a literary coach. On Saturday, November 21, the residency week will be concluded with a free Zoom event in which the duos present the progress of their literary projects.
De Verwonderkamer is an initiative of Production house Explore the North, Flemish-Dutch house for culture and debate deBuren and Leeuwarden City of Literature. Within the project, Anne-Goaitske Breteler, Nicole van den Berg and Raymond Muller from Friesland are linked to Arno Boey, Betül Sefika and Marie Borremans from Flanders. During the residency week they work in pairs on the development of a literary format in which they “make the unimaginable imaginable”. Marie Borremans and Raymond Muller (together: @winterslaaphol) are fascinated by the concept of hibernation (and waking up from it) and are working on an “audio sleepwalk”. Anne-Goaitske Breteler and Arno Boey (as a duo: @deheiligedag) are looking for what is still sacred today. Betül Sefika and Nicole van den Berg write conversations with God under the name @holy_faq based on the frequently asked questions of life.
On Saturday, November 21 at 7.30 pm, the duos will present the progress of their joint project during an online Zoom event that you can attend from home. It will be an unimaginable evening that provides an insight into the creative process of the makers. The duo will present a first version of their project, with which they hope to be on different stages in 2021. The Flemish poet / performer Maud Vanhauwaert and the Dutch writer / performer Joost Oomen present the event, both in their own unique way.