Ten Leeuwarden residents worked with poets Arjan Hut and Marrit Jellema and culture maker Jochem Knoef to incorporate associations, memories and experiences of newcomers into new texts and music inspired by the work of Persion poet and philosopher Jalal ad-Din Rumi.
This will give residents who arrived in Leeuwarden through the new Integration Act a warm welcome to the city.
The presentation of the multilingual online album is the 4th of April, 19:30 pm, at Sedrana, Schoolstraat 1 Leeuwarden. Everybody is invited, the entrance is free of charge.
Now is the time to say new things is a project by Stjoer (Onze familie in Leeuwarden) and Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature, for the program Over de drempel (‘over the threshold’) by the Leeuwarden municipality and Arcadia.
De Moanne wrote about Now is the time to say new things:

Foto: Jeroen van de Bovenkamp
Foto’s artikel: Natalia Balanina