Frisian literary magazine Ensafh is again organizing its annual “Grutte Gedichtejûn” (Great Poetry Evening). This time it is not a poetry marathon in a cozy café, the event on Friday evening 5 February will take place entirely digitally. The evening will be broadcast on Ensafh’s YouTube channel. That is why Ensafh calls on all poets and readers – experienced and inexperienced – to record a poem.

It does not matter in which (regional or minority) language the poems are written. You don’t even have to be a poet yourself, you can also read someone else’s poem!

All submitted videos together will be turned into the “Grutte Gedichtejûn”. The conditions are that sound and footage are of good quality, that the movie doesn’t contain a long introduction to the poem and that the recording has not been shown before. The editors reserve the right to edit and trim the sent video. As usual, the poems will be alternated with music. This time from singer-songwriter Youp Boelens.

Send your (preferably horizontal) video before January 22, 2021 to (please send heavy files fia Wetransfer or similar).

Picture: Geart Tigchelaar