From Saturday, October 31, the new culture magazine BUHNE will be available at some 800 locations in the north of the Netherlands, including the Afûk shop. The magazine is also distributed door-to-door in Leeuwarden, Drachten, Groningen, Assen, Roden and Hoogezand. In an edition of 20,000 pieces, BUHNE brings culture to the public, including interviews, attention for young talent, literature and poetry.

The magazine is published by culture promoter Volle Zalen, known from the Uitloper, among others. BUHNE gives museums, theaters, stages and creative incubators in the Northern Netherlands the space to make a positive and personal voice heard and to draw attention to their programming. The first edition focuses on young talent, such as artists from the Minerva art academy and musician and YouTuber Blanks. Literature & poetry are also discussed, including an interview with Ernst Bruinsma from Leeuwarden City of Literature and book tips from Ronnie Terpstra (Van der Velde Boeken). You can also read articles about exhibitions at the Princessehof Ceramics Museum, the Drents Museum and the Groninger Museum.

Culture in the times of Corona

A visit to a cinema, festival or theater performance is sorely missed during the corona crisis. This can be read in the study “Culture in the Netherlands” that the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds published this summer. One in ten Dutch people may have watched an online performance, but missed the collective aspect and the relaxation of a live cultural experience.