‘Make the unimaginable imaginable’, that is the challenge that three Flemish-Frisian author duos face. Under the guidance of a literary coach, they will spend a week in (home) residence from 16 to 20 November, in which they work together intensively. Everyone from his or her own home. “De Verwonderkamer” (the Wonder Room) is a project of deBuren, Explore the North and Leeuwarden City of Literature.

You follow the process of the makers in a daily update that appears in the stories on the Instagram and Facebook account of Explore the North around 8 p.m. At the end of the residency week, on Saturday evening November 21 at 7.30 pm, the duos will present the progress of their joint project during an unimaginable online zoom event.

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The free zoom event provides an insight into the creative process of the makers. A tip of the veil? Marie Borremans and Raymond Muller go into hibernation, Anne-Goaitske Breteler and Arno Boey design a new kind of meaning and Betül Sefika and Nicole Van den Berg play god. The Flemish poet / performer Maud Vanhauwaert and the Dutch writer / performer Joost Oomen present the event.

More (Dutch) information about the project & the makers
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