Adventurous and intimate live experience at your front door. Corona proof!

The day is close to an end. Silence passes over Fryslân. A nurse, a woman who goes outside for the first time in a long time, a journalist: they are all on the road at night. Why aren’t they sleeping? And what are they doing outside that late?

Each character’s journey starts online and ends at a front door. Also your front door. In a unique monologue you are confided in what keeps them awake. You witness their tragicomic dreams, desires, doubts and fears. They comfort you into the night. So that everything becomes lighter.

In the past year we have been at home a lot and we sleep worse. Sometimes it feels like we have ended up in an endless night. In Nacht (Night) you will be lifted out of everyday reality by, among others, Joke Tjalsma, Nynke Heeg, Bart Harder, Aukje Schaafsma and Eva Meijering. Which actor will soon be on your doorstep?

The performance is created by the team behind the Oerol hit Part-Time Paradise (Aukje Schaafsma, Karel Hermans, Tatiana Pratley and writer Wessel de Vries) in collaboration with Sjoeke-Marije Wallendal (LF2018 opening performance Marijke Muoi).

How does it work?

Nacht starts online, where the audience gets to know the characters. Each character travels at one point to an address in the province. Live – at the front door – the show continues. Which character comes to your door is a surprise. The performance (the online and live section combined) lasts approximately 40 minutes.

Nacht is multilingual and travels throughout Fryslân. Even if you do not have a driveway or are living in an apartment, Tryater will come to your door. And there is even a Bed & Breakfast-deal for those who live outside Fryslân.

For more info and tickets, visit the Tryater website.