The TRANSPOESIE project was launched in Brussels in the autumn of 2011 in honor of the European Day for Language and Linguistic Diversity, which is celebrated every year on September 26.

As part of this project, a poetic stage takes place every year in which poets from all over Europe participate and inspire each other and the audience. It is not yet possible to say whether that will be on location or online this year. Janneke Spoelstra, Nyk de Vries and Elmar Kuiper have represented the Frisian language with great passion in recent years. The poets presented their work at the event and one of their poems was read on public transport in Brussels.

If you want to compete for a place on this Brussels, European and poetic stage, this call is for you. Register before April 11 by sending an email to the board of it Skriuwersboun ( with a poem that you would like to recite at the festival.

An independent jury makes a choice from the applications and nominates the candidates to TRANSPOESIE.

You can read more about TRANSPOESIE on their website.