The fourth of a serie of poetry videos by Nyk de Vries as Poet of Fryslân premiered on Omrop Fryslân TV on Sunday 25 April. This fourth poetry film, a film with Sinan Cihangir, is a film adaptation of the poem Mirror.

In the project with filmmaker Herman Zeilstra, seven poems by the Poet of Fryslân are filmed. During this year, several poetry videos will be broadcasted via Omrop Fryslân TV. The videos can then also be viewed online via the websites of Dichter van Fryslân, Leeuwarden City of Literature, LF2028, the Leeuwarder Courant and the website of Omrop Fryslân.

Mirror was written for the Wjerspegelje project by Merk Fryslân and Leeuwarden City of Literature. Text and music: Nyk de Vries. Translation into English: David Colmer.