This year, the Literaturherbst festival in fellow UNESCO City of Literature Heidelberg (Germany) celebrates its tenth edition. During the four-week festival, 6,000 visitors come to the more than 40 events in the city.


Two lovers wake up and have to leave each other after spending the night together. This situation is described and discussed in the Tagelied (Dawn Song), a well-known song genre from the Middle Ages.

Since 2020, Heidelberg UNESCO City of Literature has been asking writers from fellow Cities of Literature to write new, contemporary versions of the Tagelied in the Abschied von Gestern project.

This year, Marrit Jellema and Tsead Bruinja will present their adaptations of the Tagelied, written in Dutch and Frisian, on behalf of Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature, in a lecture and conversation with curator Tristan Marquardt and the translators. There is an introduction by Ernst Bruinsma, director of Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature. In addition to Marrit and Tsead, Joost Oomen and Albertina Soepboer have also written contributions.

Previous editions included UNESCO Cities of Literature Melbourne and Granada.

October 10, 2024 | 8:00 PM
TiK Theater in Karlstorbahnhof | Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 3
free admission
Languages: English, Dutch, Frisian, German