De Verwonderkamer (‘The Marvel Room’) is a literary project of Explore the North, Leeuwarden City of Literature, and deBuren.  Make the unimaginable imaginable through a sustainable literary format: that is the task given to three team, with each team pairing one Frisian and one Flemish artist.  Instead of taking place physically in Leeuwarden at the Explore the North Festival, the pairs took up a week-long digital residence, where they worked on a hibernation walk, God’s customer service, and a poetic-etiquette investigation into holiness.

In De Verwonderkamer, Frisians Anne-Goaitske Breteler, Nicole van den Berg, and Raymond Muller pairs with Flemings Anro Boey, Betül Sefika, and Maire Borremands.  The teams also followed some workshops on art and (un)imaginability the run-up to the digital residence, hosted and put on by Barend van Heusden, Distinguished Professor of Culture and Cognition at the University of Groningen, and poet/actress/magician Maud van Hauwaert.

Read the exchange by Anne-Goaitske Breteler and Arno Boey here.

Read the exchange by Nicole van den Berg and Betül Sefika here.