“The Shawshank Redemption” is the opening story of “Different seasons”, a 1984 collection of stories by Stephen King. The 1995 film adaptation developed from flop to audience favorite. He was even recently voted “best movie ever” on the IMDb film site. Enough reason to show the film in cinema’s again, exactly 25 years after its release.

Morgan Freeman plays Red Redding, a prisoner sentenced to life who knows exactly how things work within Shawshank State Prison. Tim Robbins is newcomer Andy Dufresne, a silent banker who has been wrongly convicted of murder. Andy is full of surprises, but he keeps the biggest one until last.

“The Shawshank Redemption” is directed by Frank Darabont (“The Walking Dead”, “The Green Mile”).

The film will be screened at Slieker Film this summer

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