Poetry concert with city carillonneur and regional poets

On September 10 at 5 pm, the regional poet of Noardeast-Fryslân, Geart Tigchelaar, will give a poetry concert with his predecessors in the center of Dokkum. The carillon music is provided by city carillonneur Auke de Boer.

Tigchelaar wants to connect with his predecessors, the former DongeraPoets and regional poets: Akke Brouwer, Bram Borstlap, Mark Spijkers, Tsead Bruinja and Jankobus Seunnenga. They have helped shape the profession into what it is today and can now make themselves heard again. The performance is a reflection of 15 years of regional poetry.

The colorful company of poets is musically accompanied by city carillonneur Auke de Boer, who plays the carillon between the readings. The poets will stand on a canal boat and take turns reading a poem at different points along the Dokkumer Diep. They start at the Kettingbrug, follow Hellinghûs, De Syl, Bontebrug, and finally reach the Wittebrug. It is sure to be an extraordinary poetry concert for everyone in Dokkum.