De kavels van it ûnberime lân - Leeuwarden City of Literature
Sprekende steen

by Sytse Jansma

by Sytse Jansma

by Sytse Jansma

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even fan minske ta minske

ik werken it as sletten wêze
yn dyn ferwûne sels, tige stil

raasto de muorren ta kearpunt

minske, sprekkend echobist, it leafst
hearst dysels yn de stim fan in oar

it leafst

Translated by Sytse Jansma

even van mens tot mens

ik herken het als gesloten zijn
in je gewonde zelf, zeer stil

schreeuw je de muren tot keerpunt

mens, sprekend echodier, het liefst
hoor je jezelf in de stem van een ander

het liefst

person-to-person a moment

I’m familiar with that isolation
to your wounded self, so silent

you, screaming the walls to the brink

human, speaking, echoing beast, it’s best
to hear yourself in the voice of another


Translated by Preston Losack

De wetten fan Martina
by Nicole van den Berg

De wetten van Martina
by Nicole van den Berg

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Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Blokhuisplein 40, 8911 LJ Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone on the left side of the entrance to dbieb


by Sytse Jansma

by Sytse Jansma

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Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Theatergezelschap Tryater, Oostersingel, Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone on the right of the entrance to Tryater


Goed falle
by Nicole van de Berg

Goed vallen
by Nicole van de Berg

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Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Nieuwestad 59, 8911 CJ Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone on the ride of the entrance to book store Van der Velde


Gewoan wech
by Remco Kuiper

Gewoon weg
by Remco Kuiper

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Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Jimmy's Leeuwarden, Nieuweburen, Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone near the entrance of ‘Amaryllis jongerenwerk Jimmy’s’


De kavels fan it ûnberime lân
by Remco Kuiper

De kavels van het onberijmde land
by Remco Kuiper

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Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Boterhoek 1k, 8911 EH Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone near the bench left of Tresoar’s main entrance


De Daanser
by Raymond Muller

De Danser
by Raymond Muller

Navigate to this place

Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Haniasteeg 47, 8911 BX Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone on the left side of the entrance of Kunstruimte H47


Ik hew dij sefeul te fertellen
by Raymond Muller

Ik heb je zoveel te vertellen
by Raymond Muller

Navigate to this place

Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Smoel Kunstwerkplaats, Nieuwe Oosterstraat, Leeuwarden, Nederland

You’ll find this stone at the left side of Smoel Kunstwerkplaats


De bûtenlânske studinten
by Gemale Bofunda

De buitenlandse studenten
by Gemale Bofunda

The foreign students
by Gemale Bofunda

Navigate to this place

Please, visit the speaking stone and scan the QR code to read and listen to the story.

Beursplein 11, 8911 AN Leeuwarden, Nederland

On the waterfront of RUG Campus Fryslân, just around the left corner from the front of the building